Police Department

Police Station
Police Station

239 W. Maple St
712-225-6464 (Administration, Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.)
712-225-6728 (After hours, weekends, holidays)
FAX 712-225-6743
e-mail:  njamescpd@evertek.net




 Chief of Police: Nate James

Brett Gannon

J. D. Rogge

 Patrol Officer: Zach Smith
 Patrol Officer: Brittny Kinnaman
 Patrol Officer:  Adam McQueen
 Patrol Officer:  
 Patrol Officer: Clayton Reis
 Patrol Officer: Kyle Lowe
 Administrative Assistant

 Stephanie Werthman

416 West Main Street, Cherokee IA 51012 (712) 225-5749 cityckech@evertek.net