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We now have recycling wheeled carts (65-gallon) available for purchase! They are $50.00 each. Carts have a 10-year warranty. Please contact City Hall if you are interested and we will contact Sanitary Services and have one dropped off at your residence. If you wish you may have the charge added to your water bill. This is a one-time charge. You can take the cart with you if you move within city limits but we ask that you leave it at the residence if you are moving outside of town.
The City of Cherokee contracts with Sanitary Services (712-225-2313) to pick up garbage and recyclables. Regular garbage is limited to 132 gallons (about four kitchen size garbage bags) per week. Residential garbage is picked up on either Tuesday or Thursday, depending on which side of town you are located. Excess garbage over the limit will be picked up if there is a sticker attached to each item/bag. Stickers are available for purchase at City Hall, at a cost of $1.00 per sticker or 6 stickers for $5.00.
Appliances, hazardous waste, batteries, tires, and large amounts of construction materials will not be picked up. You will need to take these items directly to the Cherokee County Landfill at 1805 Linden Street.
For single and two-family dwellings, garbage is billed at a rate of $16.50 per month, on your water bill. There is a landfill charge of $15.25 monthly that is also billed on your water bill.
Commercial and industrial garbage pickup must be arranged by calling Sanitary Services.
Recycling is mandatory for all residents and businesses in Cherokee. Recyclables will be picked up on either Mondays or Fridays, depending on your location. ALL RECYCLABLES CAN BE PUT IN THE SAME CONTAINER - THERE IS NO NEED TO SEPARATE THEM BY TYPE! There is no limit on the amount of recyclables that can be set out for pickup.
105.07 SEPARATION OF RECYCLING MATERIALS. Every customer disposing of solid waste or recyclable materials shall separate recyclable material from garbage, rubbish and other solid waste. This applies to the owner or occupant of each residence or residential unit and the owner or occupant of each nonresidential agricultural, commercial or industrial premises authorized to place waste in the County landfill. Accepted recyclable materials may differ as conditions warrant.
1. Disposition of recyclables. Recyclable materials shall not be placed in the County sanitary landfill. Recyclable materials shall be placed in containers for collection or shall be delivered to a recycling center or to designated containers at the sanitary landfill.
2. Types of Recyclable Materials.
A. Newspapers, junk mail, magazines, catalogs, colored paper, white paper, tissue boxes, shoe boxes, pop and beer cartons, any paper that is not food-stained.
B. Metal cans (aluminum or other).
C. Cardboard
- Plastic containers (do not need to be rinsed unless they contained chemical substances such as cleaning products.)
3. Recyclable materials shall be placed in a separate container designated for recyclables; said containers shall be clearly marked and designated “RECYCLABLES", and put out for collection on your recycling day (Monday or Friday.)
YARD WASTE Yard waste is normally picked up three times in the spring, and three times in the fall by Sanitary Services. Yard waste pickup dates are published in the newspaper, put on the water bills, and posted on the city website. Branches must be bundled in lengths of no greater than 4'. Yard waste will not be picked up if placed in plastic bags! You can use boxes, paper sacks or garbage cans, and yard waste is to be placed in the same place where you put your garbage/recyclables.
The Cherokee County Landfill (225-3749) will accept yard waste for disposal at no charge, any time of the year.
OPEN BURNING Burning of landscape waste is prohibited.